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20 Techniques Blog Super Every Blogger Should Know

Every owner of a website / blog should know about SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Why? Because Search Engine Optimization is forming the backbone of your site. If done correctly, it can work well on your blog. Otherwise, your blog is not going to be nothing but just a content farm with a lot of content that is not utilized properly. As a result, the content (posts) will age and decay (become obsolete). SEO is like a car transmission. No matter how big and strong your machine, if you have a faulty transmission or no transmission at all, you will never win the competition. Therefore, everything must be perfect for a blog, not only doing well on the content you write it. Here, I'll share some tips that hopefully useful for bloggers. The tips below I have done and very influential on improving my blog rankings. Let's look at Super 20 Mechanical Blogs Every Blogger Should Know:

1. Title and Meta Description

Title / The title is the king of your content. This is the first thing that will be seen by web surfers. Writing the title should be concise, informative, and eye catching. Google only displays up to 66 characters of the title. Therefore, it is a good idea is to keep your title short stay. But do not limit yourself to only 66 characters. Cakupkanlah all the necessary information in your headline.

As far as Meta description related to the blog, Google will no longer use the Meta Keywords in ranking criteria. However, Meta description is equally important. Every time you share your posts on social media, meta description appears next to the title. Description of your website should not be long-winded. For simplicity, and provide a brief description of your post in a few lines.

2. Sitemap

Sitemaps are very important and I stress created by this. A sitemap is a list of all the existing pages on your website to facilitate the search engines index all your pages, you need to create a sitemap of your website and submit it to all major search engines. There is also a tool that generates sitemaps to allow you to create a sitemap.

3. Focus on Keyword

Keywords are the foundation of any search engine. Each search is performed based on keywords. Visitors are usually only just enter a keyword in the search bar to find content they need. For your blog, you need to find out what keywords people are looking for. It will be useless if you have good content but only had a few keywords to your post in the search list. Therefore, concentrate on the use of the maximum number of keywords in your posts, particularly in the introductory paragraph.

4. Stay Focused and Dynamic

Blogging is all about changing trends. Keeping with the current trend is a good way to preserve friendship with the search engines. Search engines want to see the latest content on your blog. So look out on the latest happenings around you, and write blogs about them. Also keep changing the focus of your keywords. Readers may not always enter the same search term. Things like that are very dynamic and can change. Changing perceptions of appropriate and anticipate what might be sought by the reader. Use appropriate keywords and fitting.

5. Interlink

Interlinking is one of the most important part of SEO. Always link your new posts with relevant links that already exist. If the web page you are adequately ter-link into your old posts that has stalled and get a lower traffic each day will get a boost of new life. Second, when a search engine sees a lot of links, he knew that the website has a lot of content on offer. But if the page you are independent and have no relationship, then the search engines may skip the un-linked on your page. Not linking page I think is a bad practice and should be avoided.

6. Go Where There Low Competition

Put your effort in a relatively new market can reap big results if the market grows. Everyone uses the popular networks like Facebook and Twitter to spread their business. So chances are, you have a lot of competition in your niche. So why not try alternative sources as well? Sites like Pinterest are starting to heat up. And other sites that will give you the perfect excuse to socialize on your website visitors!

7. Look Your Content

All SEO tips to teach your content must be good to be able to survive and remain in the top ranking. SEO Tips can do so many things, the rest must come from the content itself. With good quality content writing Search Engine Optimization can be formed in the body of the content itself, as this helps in ranking. After you write some content, ask yourself the following questions before publishing:
  • Is my content make sense?
  • Do I have to use correct spelling and punctuation?
  • Is this content useful?
  • It's content is unique / original?
  • Is it worth to be shared?
  • Are there visual content such as images or videos?
  • Are there any examples, references, or unique ideas?
  • Is quite interactive with readers?
  • Is my content provoke questions readers about their own experiences?
  • If your answer to most of these questions is "yes", then you've got good content.

8. Naming Your Files with Good

This is a small tip, but very useful. Most people ignore this. Name your image file and the corresponding video before uploading to your website. For example, instead of using names such as "image007" for images intro, I named it "20 blog techniques". This helps in better search rankings and a good SEO practice.

9. Indexing Search Engines Help Your Page

To help search engines index your web pages better, you can add a robots.txt file in the root directory of your site. In the file, add the command "User-agent: *" (without the quotes). What this does is, invite bot for free to surf to a page on your Web site.

10. Headings and Sub-Headings

Headings is a good way to organize your content. While writing articles, there are certain guidelines that must be followed W3C. In general, you should use only one h1 heading. It is for the title. Do not use h1 for each sub-heading. Use H2S for the main title. And if there are a lot of major titles, use h3 for everything. If you want them to look bigger, use CSS styling instead of changing levels of headings.

11. Social Bookmarking

Social media is a great way to increase backlinks and traffic to your blog. Backlink rank better search engine. It is a good SEO practice to add a bookmark tool for your readers. Add an option to like on Facebook or Tweeting on Twitter so your readers can me-reshare your content and spread the word.

12. Anchor Text

Anchor text is as important as the link itself. Use keywords instead of using statements such as "click here" for links. This is a good SEO practices. Secondly, if you connect to the same page multiple times, use anchor text that is different every time. Same anchor text gives the impression that the link has been automated. Search engines do not like auto-bot. That is the main reason why the purchase backlinks is not recommended, because they use the same anchor text for your website everywhere.

13. Something About "nofollow"

No follow is a good way of filtering low-quality websites which you link, so it does not look like you give a backlink. It also helps in keeping-linking to your site / sites you link ratio. This ratio can seriously affect your page rank. Generally, embed the attribute rel = "nofollow" to links that lead to low-quality websites. Also, do not ever add nofollow to every page of your own. Learn more about When should you mark external links as nofollow.

14. Tag and Category

To make your site easy to navigate, do not use too many tags and categories. Arrange some of the categories in your niche in the beginning, and then paste in the category. It is good practice to give only one category for each post. Do not add more than one. It was a bad SEO.

15. Image Optimization

Image optimization is an important part of SEO as well. People looking for an image almost as much as they search for text. Therefore it is very important that you create an image on your site to make it easier to find. Always give a title to your pictures. Search Engine that actually will find the title and did not search for images. Add ALT tags too. It helps in the user-accessibility. People who are visually impaired to use a special browser to use the internet. This browser outlines image alt descriptions for people like them. Therefore, use these attributes to help our compatriots who are disabled.

16. Update Regularly

Search engines love fresh content. People are looking for new content every time they visit your website. Whenever I visit any site, the first thing I look for is the timestamp below the last post. Give an excellent idea and how often a website is updated. Site service does not need to be updated so frequently. But content related sites and blogs should be updated frequently. For the blog, frequency of posting at least one post per day is very important. The more, the merrier. But try to write at least one post per day. It will make your site look fresh, and also increase your Alexa rank. And the more the topics you write, the more traffic you will get.

17. Examine your Blog Loading Time

A blog with slow loading no effect either for the reader. You think the search robots would have no problem with this. But unfortunately, that's not true. And it's logical too. Google should find millions of search results in seconds. So the loading time also affects the search engine. Do not upload heavy files too much into your blog. In contrast, large file upload them on site sharing, and provide your readers with a download link. For more information on how to reduce the time burden blog, please consult the articles 11 Important Tips To Reduce Your Blog Loading Time.

18. Reduce Bounce

Reducing the bounce rate is the key to the success of your blog. Bounce rate is the number of people who leave your website for the first few seconds of their visit. The lower, the better. Blog loading time can also affect this. But the most important factor is the design of the website. Attractive and elegant design will retain visitors, while the site is difficult to navigate, cluttered with ads, or have a design fault will lose visitors quickly. Of course, the quality of the content and frequency also plays a role. So correct any individual to reduce your bounce rate.

19. Typography

Typography refers to styling your content. Who does not appreciate a good styling? Both include things like writing in italics or bold text, line spacing is right, title, padding, etc. Consider it to make your content look good and easy to read.

20. Checking Validity

Once you are done with some basic SEO, you need to validate and check if there is an error. Start by checking each link is broken. There are Blogger and Wordpress plugins that can help you do this. But you can do this manually or by visiting the W3C Link Checker.

Next, you need to visit the W3C HTML and W3C CSS Validation Tool Validation Tool to validate your HTML and CSS for any mistakes. After that, you can validate your SEO by using good SEO plugin. The plugin is available for Blogger and Wordpress.

That alone tips from me, hopefully it can be very helpful for all of you.

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