Understanding Blog: History, Kinds, Functions and Examples
In the era of the digital world that is all sophisticated with a technological basis, blogs are now becoming a dominating device used by humans. Because almost everyone has a blog or website. Aside from being a business medium, blogs can also be used as networking networks to mediate the outpouring of hearts and minds as well as anxiety.

Well, if you want to know all about blogs, let's look at this article until it is fully paid, so you know the history, understanding, benefits, to the example of a blog.
List of Free Blog Making Providers:
- Blogger (Google Inc)
- WordPress
- Weebly
Blog History
The term 'Blog' or abbreviation for 'Web Log' has been used for the first time in 1997 by Jorn Barger. Where the term is interpreted as a group of personal websites that always update regularly and certain intensity and contain various other website links with their unique and distinctive characteristics.
The blog media was first popularized by Blogger.com which is a company owned by Pyra Labs. Until some time later, it was acquired by Google at the end of 2002. Since the acquisition, Blogger.com became a lot of features, which applications are open (open source), where these features can be used by bloggers (bloggers).
Understanding Blog
Blog stands for 'weblog' which is a form of application or web feature that contains various kinds of writing (blog posts) on a page. Where the posts or posts are placed upside down with the latest posts placed in the earliest order, although not always so because it depends on the settings of the blog owner itself. That way, internal users can access or read the posts in the blog according to the theme or topic being searched for. Generally, internet users will type keywords (keywords) on search engines (search engines) such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, and others.
In conclusion, simply, a blog can be defined as a personal website by focusing on the description of the blogger itself. In other words, Blog or Web Log is a collection of personal websites where bloggers or blog owners can display various types of content such as writing, music, videos, or images whose contents are interesting to visit.
Benefits and Use of Blogs
The function or benefit of the blog itself is very diverse, starting from the function of the outpouring of the media every day or diary, political publication media and so on, so that it can also be used as a company profile of a small-scale company to a giant. Even blogs can also be used as a medium of interaction with fellow visitors.
So that, along with technological developments and sophistication, blogging is not only used as a place of worship but also can be used as a medium of profile information such as communities, companies, businesses and even media information on topics such as information on education, technology, science, etc.
In essence, blogs can be used as promotional media, online businesses, and spread out various kinds of information according to the theme or subject matter which can be used as a reference source for readers or visitors.
Kinds of Blogs
There are many types of blogs that we know about. Like a private blog, company profile, and even a special blog as a medium for interaction or social media. Although the actual interaction with fellow visitors can also be used in the comments column, or can also be done in a special thread column. This depends on the facilities provided by a particular blog. There are even blogs that are media-specific so they cannot be used to interact with each other and comment.
Generally, this special or non-interactive blog is a blog from an institution, school, or college which can only be accessed by certain visitors.
There are also other types of blogs called blogosphere. However, actually, the blogosphere is not a type of blog but is a collection of blogs. There are also other types of blogs, where there is a collection of activities, information, and opinions that are repeatedly raised in some subjects and even controversial. This blog is referred to as a blog or other term, blog storm.
The existence of technological developments in the world of blogs, also considering the existence of people who started to have a lot of blogs, then a blog community was formed. Which is a bond that is formed from the bloggers with a specific purpose of various similarities such as the similarity of regions, campuses, hobbies, and so on. Generally, they will often hold gatherings and encourage each other for their blogs.
Of course, the blog that we have is our responsibility, where the blog or content that posts and publishes is our responsibility later because it will be consumed by the public. Content that is useful or not useful will also have an impact later. So, make a useful blog!
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